Xposed Installer v3.0 alpha 4 V68 For Android 5.0 Lollipop

Download Xposed Installer v3.0 alpha 4 V68
Requirements: Android 5.0 , ROOT
Overview: Xposed for Lollipop is finally here!

Note that this is still an alpha version and for Lollipop on ARMv7+ devices only.
Please install it only if you're willing to take the risk of boot loops. Just because it's working fine and stable for me doesn't mean it will work for everyone the same way.

xposed-arm-*.zip: Must be flashed with a custom recovery to install the framework.
XposedInstaller_3.0-alpha*.apk: Must be installed to manage installed modules
No, it's not using material design yet. Yes, there are more important topics for now.
XposedBridgeApi-20150213.jar: The API for module developers, in case they want to make use of some new features. Might be changed slightly until the stable release!

Known issues:
- It seems to boot loop on Samsung stock ROMs! Update: Samsung has changed quite a few things in their version of ART. It will take more time to adjust Xposed for it.

Xposed 3.0 alpha 4
It fixes bootloops and crashes on some ROMs, especially on Sony devices. In the logs, there used to be "Too many open files" errors.

You only need to flash the ZIP again, the Xposed Installer app remains the same (and therefore still shows version alpha2). If XposedBridge.jar has version 64 after a reboot, the new version is active.

As the question probably comes up:
- No, this version doesn't support Android 5.1 yet.
- No, this ZIP doesn't support arm64/x86 processors yet.

What's New
Updated installer and bundled busybox. Should resolve issues with mounting /system during install in some cases and incorrectly detecting recovery's value for ro.build.version.sdk instead of the system's.

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1. Click on the download link
2. Wait for few seconds and then click on

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